Posted on: October 29th, 2021 by Movement Sports Clinic
Time to Level Up. Women’s Health Series.
Did you miss our event? We discussed ways for women to optimize performance, from age level competitor to high performance. Our line-up included:
Dr. Elana Taub – Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) and female elite training
If you would like a copy of her presentation, it can be downloaded here.
Goom T, Donnelly G, and Brockwell E. Returning to running postnatal- Guidelines for medical, health and fitness professionals managing this population. March 2019
Roma Oleksyn – Orthopedic perspective on female high performance in sport
Posted on: May 11th, 2021 by Movement Sports Clinic
Every runner has a unique running style but there are a few basics that can facilitate more optimum form. Here are a few things to consider when working on distance running technique:
Posture: The body should be upright with forward lean from the ankle. Rib cage should be stacked up over the pelvis. Good posture helps breathing efficiency and body alignment.
Foot Strike: When the foot contacts the ground, it should sound soft and land near the center of mass. Landing with a loud impact or with foot too far in front increases load and shearing forces in the body. If the foot crosses midline or is too wide, that can also create unnecessary stress and strain in the body.
Cadence: The number of foot strikes per minute should be in the range of 165-180 steps per minute. Some people run well even with lower or higher step turnover Manipulating cadence can change force loading and is commonly used in running injury rehabilitation to help manage joints and soft tissue stress.
Symmetry: Arms and legs are pendulums that should swing equally and in opposition. Elbows should come back like you are elbowing the person behind you, not wing sideways. Hands should move from level of the heart to level of the hip during excursion. Legs should also swing without knees rubbing or heels catching the opposite leg.
A running video analysis can help us assess gait and is a great tool to help figure out running injury issues. Working with a health practitioner who understands your sport is a great way to get ahead.
Posted on: September 29th, 2016 by Movement Sports Clinic No Comments
Effect on inflammation, recovery, performance and prevention of blood clots
Compression garments have been used for years medically to effectively manage swelling of the extremities. Most commonly seen as socks, the graduated compression from toes to the upper leg help our circulatory system move the blood back towards the heart. Metabolic waste products and the congestion of inflammation are moved out of the interstitial tissue and back into the bloodstream for removal. In bedridden or inactive patients medical grade graduated compression socks have been proven effective to reduce deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
In recent times, athletes have been exposed to compression clothing to aid in recovery and potentially help performance. Some of the proposed benefits of athletic compression socks are as follows:
Promoting circulation
Reducing muscle vibration
Protection of the Achilles tendon from pressure and friction
Reduction in perceived effort
Providing more comfort and support
Regarding recovery, there is high level evidence that use of compression socks following strenuous endurance activity can reduce risk of DVT. Marathon runners or long course triathletes may be at higher risk for DVT post event due to dehydration and distance traveled.
In literature reviews regarding compression socks and performance enhancement, the evidence is not as clear. Anecdotally there do appear to be perceived performance benefits. Some studies demonstrated decreased reported muscle soreness and perceived fatigue compared to a control group. General recommendations are to wear compression socks for long exercise sessions and for 24 hours afterwards.
In summary, use of compression socks to aid in decreasing inflammation post injury and use after long duration running and during long flights (>4hour) to prevent DVT makes good sense. Placebo effect could be in place for those that feel enhanced performance while using the socks, but the psychological benefit could still positively impact results.
To be effective, compression needs to be tighter at the ankle and decreasing to the knee, fit properly and have 22-32mmHg of pressure. The Bauerfeind Performance Compression Socks we sell at Movement have this medical grade compression.
If you would like more information, please check out Bauerfeind’s website by clicking the logo:
Clark MJ et al. Compression stockings for preventing deep vein thrombosis in airline passengers.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Sep 14;9:
Wakefield et al. Elastic compression stockings: the jury is still out. The Lancet Haematology June 2016, Volume3(Issue6)