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Use of Silicone Cups for Self-Myofascial Release

Posted on: April 1st, 2016 by Movement Sports Clinic No Comments

by Louise Taylor

Silicone Cups

Silicone cups can help improve circulation, release fascia and relax muscles. Select the size of cup that best matches the size of the area you want to release. Choose a larger cup for an area like the thigh and back and smaller one for the forearm or foot.


Apply light massage oil or lotion to the treatment area. Secure cup to the skin by squeezing or pressing on the cup to create the negative pressure required to create a seal. Once the right pressure is obtained, slide the cup back and forth, push and pull it or leave it in place for up to three minutes to provide deep stimulation to the underlying tissue.


Care must be taken to prevent over stimulation of the tissues. Gentle redness will occur and is desirable as a sign of increased circulation. Often a red speckled appearance or bruise can develop which indicates tightness of tissue beneath. While the bruising can be therapeutic you must let the skin restore itself for a few days before continuing to cup.

Cupping on the face is not recommended and should be done with care as the facial tissues are more sensitive. Leave on for no longer than 30 seconds.


Do not cup over bleeding or infected areas, dermatitis or injured skin

Do not use if you have a bleeding disorder like hemophilia or leukaemia

Do not use over the abdomen during pregnancy

If you are suffering from chronic disease like congestive heart failure, renal failure or peripheral edema, do not use cupping therapy

Do not cup over the eye, ear, nose, mouth, nipple, genitals as areas of superficial arteries like the neck.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Medical grade silicone cups are safe, hygienic and resilient. To clean, wash in hot water with dish soap or an antibacterial soap. After washing, the cups can be wiped with alcohol or placed in boiling water for two to three minutes. Silicone cups are also dishwasher safe.

Service Life

High quality silicone cups can last up to five years. The cup may become discoloured over time, but this does not impact its function. When suction is no longer easily attained, the cup edges have deteriorated and it is time for replacement.

Any questions please ask your therapist or email us or leave a reply below.

What is Myofascial Cupping?

Posted on: March 16th, 2016 by Movement Sports Clinic No Comments


What is Myofascial Cupping?

It is a direct focus on the Fascial system, with the intent to have a soft tissue change and release, with a person going from dis-function to function.

Myofascial CuppingIt is a hybrid between traditional cupping and myofascial release. There is compression from the rims of the cups, however the principal intent is the Negative pressure. The cups lift and separate, where most other forms of massage use pressure. This Passive soft tissue stretch, with the lifting and separating, makes for one of the best ways to passively stretch fascia. Myofascial Cupping across tissues increases nutrient rich blood to the area. It also brings reduction of the sympathetic nervous system due to the negative pressure. Fascia could be likened to plastic wrap surrounding the body; holding organs, joints, and muscles together. Challenges to the fascia can be brought on from surgical incisions, history of soft tissue injuries, misalignment of joints over a period of time, repetitive strain, just a few examples.

Cupping related to the hydration of fascia?

It triggers the body to rehydrate fascia to optimum levels while squeezing the fluids out of the fascia. Also, when dealing with trigger points, the cups are much less invasive and painful than using fingers and elbows, yet just as effective.

If you are interested in trying Myofascial Cupping let us know at your next appointment!

Please contact us.


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