Services & Treatments



Physiotherapy is a medical science discipline. Its main goal is to maximize patient’s function using different physical means such as manual therapy, teaching of exercises, acupuncture/intramuscular stimulation, heat, cold and electrotherapy.

Physiotherapy treatment seeks to correct joint, muscular, fascial, and neural dysfunctions which lead to pain as well as altered muscle control, strength, endurance, coordination, agility and balance deficits. The main goal of a physiotherapist is to help a patient reach their optimal physical functional level at any age. Patient goal setting is an important part of this process.


  • Therapeutic Exercise: Therapists at Movement Sports Clinic believe in an active approach to rehabilitation which means prescribing the right exercises at the right time. Whenever there is pain there is often dysfunctional movement patterns. It is important for patient’s to have proper muscle activation and movement patterns to maintain the gains achieved with treatment, and to re-educate the brain’s motor control center. Corrective and progressive exercises allow for retraining of optimal movement patterns that facilitate return to pain-free daily function and sport. Key areas to address are joint mobility and stability, soft tissue flexibility, strength, balance, agility and coordination.
  • Client Education: As part of empowering the patient, Movement Sports Clinic’s therapists provide education regarding injury mechanisms, expected time frames for healing and recovery, self-care strategies home exercise programs and expected outcomes. In the case of injury prevention, patient specific strategies can be developed according to the individual and evaluation of relevant risk factors.
  • Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS): IMS is a needling technique that helps to reduce adverse tone in tight muscle bands or trigger points that contribute to pain and dysfunction. IMS involves an acupuncture needle inserted into the tight muscle band, where a stretch receptor in the muscle is stimulated, producing a reflex relaxation (lengthening). The needle also causes a micro-trauma, initiating the natural healing process as blood is drawn into the area. Only healthcare practitioners with accepted qualifications can perform these techniques. In order for physiotherapists to use needles, they must be on the Restricted Activity roster of Physiotherapy Alberta. Download this document for more information on IMS.
  • Fascial Release: Fascia is an uninterrupted three-dimensional web of dense connective tissue over muscles. This connection of tissues through this tissue system allows for forces to influence tissues throughout the body during movement. Therapists at Movement Sports Clinic use a number of different techniques to affect the fascial system including Tissue Distraction Release with Movement (cupping), Fascial Abrasion Technique Tool (FAT Tool), and manual release to the fascial system.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture involves inserting a solid acupuncture needle into specific points on the body to achieve a therapeutic effect.  Acupuncture is used to encourage natural healing, improve mood and energy, reduce swelling, reduce or relieve pain, stimulate the nervous system and improve function of affected areas of the body. Electro-acupuncture may be used to further stimulate the acupuncture point or stimulate a muscle. Only healthcare practitioners with accepted qualifications can perform these techniques. In order for physiotherapists to use needles, they must be on the Restricted Activity roster of Physiotherapy Alberta.
  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM): IASTM is the use of instruments to allow the therapist to pinpoint and treat increased muscular tension and break down scar tissue and adhesions, which can often result in pain and dysfunction. Therapists at Movement Sports Clinic utilize a number of different IASTM methods/tools to create a change to the tissue being treated.
  • Manual Therapy: Manual therapy is a therapeutic approach that utilizes a variety of techniques such as joint mobilizations or manipulations, neural mobilizations, soft tissue techniques and stretching in order to restore optimal function and mobility. Techniques are generally hands on and will often require the patient to participate in muscle activation patterns to regain range of motion and stimulate muscle activation.
  • Spinal and Peripheral Joint Manipulation: Spinal and Peripheral Joint Manipulation involves the use of high velocity and low amplitude techniques to move vertebral, rib, or peripheral joints that are adhered or stuck. Spinal joint manipulations can also affect the nerve tissue or facilitate the muscle activation of muscles, and tone of muscles. Only healthcare practitioners with accepted qualifications can perform these techniques. In order for physiotherapists to perform spinal manipulation, they must be on the Restricted Activity roster of Physiotherapy Alberta.
  • Therapeutic Modalities: Therapeutic Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to stimulate circulation, promote tissue metabolism and healing responses, pain control and reduction of muscle tension.
    Electrotherapy devices such as Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) and Interferential Current (IFC) use electrical currents to activate muscle promote circulation and decrease pain.
    Mechanical Traction is a device that creates a traction pull of the cervical or lumbar spine to decrease compression at joints. It is generally used to decrease nerve compression in the spine which can cause pain and altered sensation such as numbness or tingling.
 Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Pelvic health is a specialized area of physiotherapy that helps manage issues like urinary incontinence and pelvic pain. Stress incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, painful sexual intercourse and urinary retention related to prostate hyperplasia are common dysfunctions that can be treated by addressing pelvic floor weakness or tightness.

Our pelvic floor muscles operate inside the pelvis and assist with bowel, bladder and sexual function. They also contribute to core strength and are part of lower back muscular control. An internal assessment of the vagina or rectum is necessary to evaluate their function and is the gold standard for this therapy.

Research has demonstrated that physiotherapy for pelvic floor problems is very successful and should be considered before surgery or other medical intervention for both pelvic pain and incontinence. Treating tight or weak pelvic floor muscles can also help resolve back and hip pain.

Pelvic health physiotherapists have advanced training and certification to provide this service. They are sensitive professionals who will discuss the assessment and treatment with you before proceeding.

Please note, we do treat pelvic health patients younger than 14 years old.

 Massage Therapy

When seeking treatments of massage therapy, several different approaches are available. The general intent is to bring health and normalization to the tissues through manual techniques of fixed or movable pressure. Affecting all systems of the body either directly or indirectly, the benefits of massage are immeasurable and have had a positive impact on conditions such as chronic inflammation, allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome, acute strains and sprains and digestive disorders. Massage therapy promotes quick healing and improves posture while helping to change the tension lines along the body. While there is often a physical disconnect to our bodies, massage, most of all brings a great awareness of the mind-body connection.


  • Swedish Massage: In Swedish massage, a primary goal is to relax the entire body while working out the muscles in long gliding strokes intended to send direction of the blood back to the heart. While easing tension with this technique the following physiological events also occur: increased oxygen levels in the blood, decreased toxins in the muscle tissue, and improved circulation. Swedish massage also decreases stress hormone levels and increases the number of immune cells to help fight flu and colds.
  • Trigger Point Therapy: Trigger point therapy is a bodywork technique. Trigger points can be defined as a hyperirritable spot within a taut of skeletal muscle or in the muscle’s fascia that is painful on compression and that can give rise to characteristics referred to as pain and tenderness.
    Some of the common causes of trigger points include poor posture or movement mechanics, acute physical trauma, an injury sustained in a fall or accident or over training. The therapist palpates along the taut band to locate the spot of maximum tenderness and maintains the pressure on that spot to elicit its referred pain pattern.
    The therapist constantly checks for a change in discomfort and if the pain described by the client reduces significantly. The purpose of this treatment is to eliminate pain and to re-educate the muscles to perform pain-free movement patterns.
  • Active Release Techniques (ART): Manual therapy is applied with compressive force with the goal of relieving tissue tension by removing adhesions that develop in tissues from repetitive use or strain. The massage therapist applies pressure to the tender site while also instructing and guiding the patient to actively move the injured/adhered site from a shortened to a lengthened position.
  • Pregnancy Massage: Pregnancy massage is an effective complementary choice for prenatal and postnatal care. Because of the maladaptive posture a pregnant woman assumes as the baby grows, backaches and muscle soreness are common and are the most frequent reasons a pregnant client seeks a massage. Pregnancy massage alleviates stress on weight-bearing joints, the sacroiliac joint, hip and back muscles. Prenatal massage is incorporated into routine physical care and has been proven to improve pregnancy outcome and maternal health. Postnatal massage can help restore a mother’s after delivery tone in the abdomen and reposition the pelvis.
  • Sports Massage: Sports Massage is a specialized form of massage that helps to alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity. Repetitive sport specific movement can overuse and directly affect a particular muscle or group of muscles and other tissues. Working on these muscles will help the athlete prepare their bodies to function well during training, recover after the activity, and achieve their optimal performance.

Appointments are booked as Massage therapy 30 mins, 45 mins, 60 mins, 90 mins.

 Sport Medicine

Following a thorough physical examination, assessment and if necessary diagnostic imaging such as x-rays, ultrasound, or an MRI, they will be able to interpret imaging results, diagnose a musculoskeletal impairment or injury, and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. The treatment plan may involve a referral to a specialist such as an orthopedic surgeon or to a rehabilitative service such as physiotherapy or massage therapy. The temporary use of a brace or orthopedic device may be included.

Note: To assist in the treatment and recovery of an injury, trigger point injections and prolotherapy may be utilized.


If circumstances dictate that we cannot treat you in person, Movement Sports Clinic offers a TeleHealth option for video and telephone consultation. As physiotherapists we are capable of helping you remotely whether it is evaluating a new problem, continuing to rehabilitate a current issue or keeping your physical function high. With secure video conferencing we can use our observation skills to assess movement patterns, evaluate mobility and test functional strength. TeleHealth also offers a medium for education, re-assurance and exercise prescription or progression.

Key objectives in providing TeleHealth are:

  1. Initiating or creating continuity in your physiotherapy care plan when in-clinic treatment is unavailable (i.e. travel, inability to commute because of health or injury as well as community crisis such as flood or pandemic).
  2. Providing a safe and confidential virtual platform to ask questions about your physical concerns so we can determine the best course of action regarding physiotherapy treatment or medical referral.
  3. Observing you move remotely to inform our recommendations of exercise programming, self-care options or further referral.

TeleHealth services must meet physiotherapy regulatory requirements and provide the same quality, competent care as if you were to see a physiotherapist in person. We are using a technological platform that employs encryption and safe storage mechanisms. Your information continues to be confidential and kept private. Many insurance companies will cover this form of physiotherapy treatment.

As this treatment medium may be foreign to you please call (587) 318-1600) to ask any questions or email

 Acute Injury Management and Treatment

After an acute injury, it is important to initiate treatment right away to manage swelling and pain, protect the injured area (bracing, taping, splint, etc), and start to address compensatory patterns and potential issues that may have lead to the injury. Determining the mechanism of injury, extent of tissue damage and early management strategies are essential keys to rehabilitation success. Early evaluation helps the patient understand the problem and what to do about it.

Realistic short and long term goals will be set based on the clinical evaluation and in conjunction with collaborative input from the patient. Home management strategies and exercise programs will be established to empower the patient and facilitate optimum recovery and function. When rehabilitating an injury, primary goals are to get the client/athlete back to normal activities/training as quickly as possible while respecting healing times, enhance performance, increase durability, and try to reduce the chance of reoccurrence of the injury. Requisitions for diagnostic imaging such as x-ray, ultrasound and MRI will be made if indicated. As well, referrals to medical specialists will be made as appropriate.

 Chronic Injury Rehabilitation

When musculoskeletal pain does not resolve in an expected timeframe, a comprehensive evaluation needs to be done to establish next steps. Sometimes further imaging is required or referral to a medical specialist such as physiatrist, sport medicine physician or surgeon.

Acupuncture, Intramuscular Stimulation, Manual Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise can also be used to re-establish normal nerve, muscle, and fascial functioning. Education about injury or pain mechanisms can also be helpful in long-term management of pain.

 Movement Screening and Sport Injury Prevention Screening

For many sports there are known risk factors associated with injury. The number one risk factor tends to be a previous injury that leaves the body functioning in a compensated state. Evaluation and improvement of fundamental movement patterns has been shown to be a useful tool to help individuals move better and minimize future injury, particularly associated with repetitive strain.

Movement screening and functional assessments are modified and designed for each individual person based on the specific motions and movements, type of sports, and activities. Once found, areas of dysfunction can be addressed to facilitate better movement and injury prevention. Therapeutic Exercise programs are provided to assist with mobility and/or stability deficits.

Movement screening may include a Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA). The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a series of eleven movement tests designed to assess patients with musculoskeletal pain in patterns of movement such as bending, rotating, and squatting. This type of assessment guides the therapist to the most dysfunctional non-painful movement pattern, which is then assessed in detail. This approach is designed to complement the existing physiotherapy assessment and serve as a model to efficiently integrate the concepts of muscle balance, mobility, stability, and the fundamental patterns of movement into the treatment plan. (

 Running Analysis

There is no single way to run correctly. All bodies have unique styles of movement. A gait and running analysis seeks to evaluate how each individual can optimize their running style to recover from or prevent injury and to optimize performance. Assessment of fundamental movement patterns, joint mobility, muscular strength, core stability, hip control and foot mechanics are compared with dynamic findings from a running video.  Client goals, injury history and training schedules are also considered in formulating a management plan. Current evidence about running mechanics and shoe selection is used to optimize each runner’s form. Therapeutic Exercise programs are provided to assist with mobility and/or stability deficits as well as improve runner durability

 Referrals and Communication Healthcare Professionals and other Practitioners

Injury and disease management can be complicated. Many healthcare professionals and other practitioners may be needed to be involved for comprehensive and effective care. Referrals and communication can be made to sport physicians, orthopaedic specialists, dieticians, massage therapists, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, naturopaths, orthotists and bracing technicians, osteopaths, strength coaches/personal trainers, and Pilates instructors.

 Diagnostic Imaging

Diagnostic imaging techniques such as x-rays, MRI and ultrasound can help us assess various structures of the body, including bone and soft tissues such as organs, muscles, cartilage, ligaments and tendons. These tests facilitate diagnosis and inform appropriate management. Based upon results, the client may need referral to other medical specialists.

Our Sports Medicine Doctor utilizes diagnostic imaging to facilitate diagnosis and management of injuries and various pathologies.

Physiotherapists with credentials are allowed to request the above diagnostic imaging tests. Tyson Plesuk, Louise Taylor and Roma Oleksyn received the proper credentials and they are on the Physiotherapy Alberta restricted Activity Roster for Ordering Diagnostic Imaging. These services are uninsured, patient paid services. There will be a cost for each examination.

 NeuroKinetic Therapy

NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) is an assessment and treatment modality that addresses the causes of dysfunctional and movement/coordination problems at their root in the motor control center of the brain. The brain stores these patterns and directs their completion through the spinal cord and the muscles. By evaluating muscle strength and weakness in the body, NKT can help find faulty movement patterns. Correction of these imbalances through release techniques, activating exercises and a home program will allow you move more efficiently and without pain. NKT can help with injury recovery, pain management, function in daily living and improving athletic performance.

 Shockwave Therapy (SWT)

Shockwave Therapy (SWT) is used to stimulate healing and modulate pain in musculoskeletal tissues with subacute and persistent conditions. This form of treatment uses an acoustic wave to help regenerate and repair injuries of muscles and tendons as well as alter soft tissue pain sensitivity. The treatment feels like a high-pressure repetitive pulse and is done in several sets within an appointment. Treatment series are typically three to five sessions, one week apart.

Therapeutic benefits include new blood vessel formation, reversal of chronic inflammation, promotion of collagen production, breaking up of calcifications, tight muscle release and pain relief. SWT is used along with other treatment modalities like manual therapy and exercise to help you meet your goals.

 Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR)

Used in rehabilitation, BFR helps stimulate biological processes in muscles which reduce atrophy and help build strength. Using a tourniquet around the upper arm or leg, strong pressure is used to reduced arterial blood flow to working muscles. This has been demonstrated to trigger hormonal and chemical changes that facilitate muscle growth under low load. In this way we can work sub-acutely strained muscles or strengthen around an injured or post-surgical joint without harming the recovering tissues.

If you are having trouble strengthening an injured area because of pain, BFR can be an effective tool in recovery planning. There are contraindications and precautions to consider with this therapy that your practitioner will discuss with you.



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